
You can find all my published articles and preprints below. You can find my arXiv identifier here: My ORCID is: 0000-0002-5919-8766, and my Google Scholar.

Work in progress

Work in progress are article projects in the finishing phase: a readable draft exists and the research can be presented at conference. I try to put them out here when I think the preprint should be out in less than 6 months. Please contact me if any of these projects interest you and I will share them with you.

  • Langlois-Rémillard, Müßig, M., and Roldán Roa, É. Extremal fence problems with polyforms.
  • Preprints

  • Langlois-Rémillard, A., Raphael, É., and Roldán Roa, É. (2024) Insights from a workshop on gamification of research in mathematics and computer science. 16p. arXiv:2411.10207 (submitted)
  • De Martino, M., Langlois-Rémillard, A., and Oste, R. (2023) The double dihedral Dunkl total angular momentum algebra. 34p. arXiv:2308.16366 (submitted)
  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. and Morin-Duchesne, A. (2023) Uncoiled affine Temperley–Lieb algebras and their Wenzl–Jones projectors. 55p. arXiv:2302.12782 (submitted)
  • Accepted and in press

    Published articles

  • Langlois-Rémillard, A., Müßig, M., and Roldán Roa, É. (2025) Complexity of chess domination problems. Res. Math. Sci. 12, 14 doi:10.1007/s40687-024-00492-5 and arXiv:2211.05651
  • De Bie, H., Langlois-Rémillard, A., Oste, R., and Van der Jeugt, J. (2023) Generalised symmetries and bases for Dunkl monogenics. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 53 (2) 397-415, doi:10.1216/rmj.2023.53.397 and arXiv:2203.01204
  • De Bie, H., Langlois-Rémillard, A., Oste, R., and Van der Jeugt, J. (2022) Finite-dimensional representations of the symmetry algebra of the dihedral Dunkl-Dirac operator, Journal of Algebra 591: 170-216, doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2021.09.025 and arXiv:2010.03381
  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. and Saint-Aubin, Y. (2020) The representation theory of seam algebras, SciPost Phys. 8, 019, 34p. 10.21468/SciPostPhys.8.2.019 and arXiv:2302.12782
  • Published proceedings

  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. (2023) Deforming Algebras with Anti-involution via Twisted Associativity. In: Silvestrov, S., Malyarenko, A. (eds) Non-commutative and Non-associative Algebra and Analysis Structures. SPAS 2019. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 426. Springer, Cham pp. 591-612. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-32009-5_21 and arXiv:2106.01855
  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. (2022) The Dihedral Dunkl–Dirac Symmetry Algebra with Negative Clifford Signature. In: Dobrev, V. (eds) Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. LT 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 396. pp 515-522. Springer, Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-19-4751-3_50 and arXiv:2209.06599
  • Langlois-Rémillard, A., Oste, R. (2020) An Exceptional Symmetry Algebra for the 3D Dirac–Dunkl Operator. In: Dobrev V. (ed) Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. LT Varna 2019. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 335, pp 399-405. Springer, Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-7775-8_30 and arXiv:2009.13904
  • Outreach

  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. and Senécal, C. (2022) Des dames sur d'étranges échiquiers. Accromath, 17.2, pp. 2-7. Online at (in French)
  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. (2022) Huit dames et un échiquier. Accromath, 17.1, pp. 8-13. (in French)
  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. (2021) Geraldine Coon, Femmes en maths Blog post (in French)
  • Boutet V., Godin, J. and Langlois-Rémillard, A.(2017) Excursion typographique : La matrice des fontes, Accromath, 12.2, pp. 26-29.
  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. (2016) Le Petit Prince et l'algèbre, Notes from the Margin, Canadian Mathematical Society, Vol XII, p.4.
  • Theses

  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. (2023) Topics in representation theory of the Dunkl total angular momentum algebra. PhD thesis under the supervision of Hendrik De Bie, Roy Oste and Joris Van der Jeugt. XVI+214p. online version (updated last 2024-01-31: typos in acknowledgements fixed).
  • Langlois-Rémillard, A. (2018) Sur la structure cellulaire et la théorie de la représentation des algèbres de Temperley-Lieb à couture. Mémoire réalisé sous la supervision d'Yvan Saint-Aubin. XIV+98p. Lien Papyrus (in French).
  • Poster

  • De Martino, M. Langlois-Rémillard, A., Oste, R. (2022) Weavings weights: double dihedral deformation. PhD Day of the BMS, Liège, May 2022. Poster.