
2022-11-11 Our new preprint with Chris Müßig and Érika Roldán-Roa Complexity of chess domination problems is out at arXiv:2211.05651 ! It proves NP-completeness of a few problems of domination by queens and rooks on polycubes. It also boasts a companion video game and the solver we present was used to extend A075324.

2022-11-07 Ik zal een activiteit animeren voor de tentoonstelling Imaginary aan UGent. Het gaat over spelletjes, onderzoek en dames op schaaborden.

2022-10-11 I will be in Dartmouth College to give a talk at their combinatorics seminar.

2022-09-28 Je présente au Clubmath de l'UdeM sur ma récente recherche en domination et complexité algorithmique, ça promet d'être assez intéressant!

2022-09-23 to 2022-10-17 I will be in Montréal for the thematic month Integrable systems, exactly solvable models and algebras and will give a talk 2022-10-06 at a special day in honour of Yvan Saint-Aubin.

2022-09-21 Le second volet, écrit conjointement avec Charles Senécal, d'une série de problèmes de dominations sur les échiquiers est à la une d'Accromath (! Cela porte sur les problèmes de dominations de l'échiquier par des dames, en considérant ce qui change lorsque les échiquiers sont modifiés.

2022-09-08 My first master student, Pieter-Jan Vandaele, successfully defended his Master's thesis (co-mentored with Srdan Lazendic and Alá Guzmán Adán under Prof. Aleksandra Pizurica) titled: Classical coding approaches to quantum applications, congratulations!

2022-08-22 I will be in Leipzig visiting Érika Roldán-Roa at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in sciences for a short one-week stay.

2022-07-05 We are starting the Kleine seminar again on Crystal bases! Check the website for more info.

2022-05-13 I am taking part in the PhD day of the Belgian Mathematical society and will present my Poster there.

2022-04-04 I will take part in the special month on Non-commutative algebra, representation theory and special functions in Montréal (23 May to June 10).

2022-04-02 I will present my research in 5 minutes max along with my fellow PhD students at PRIME new event Doctoraatstudenten aan het woord on 19th April in Sterre S25, come if you want to know what the UGent maths PhD students are doing!

2022-03-03 Our last preprint Generalised symmetries and bases for Dunkl monogenics is out on arXiv (arXiv:2203.01204). As one might suspect from the title, we construct bases for Dunkl monogenics for any reflection group using certain generalised symmetries of the Dunkl--Dirac operator.

2022-02-05 La première partie d'une série sur des problèmes échico-mathématiques est maintenant à lire dans la revue Accromath! (Lien) Elle porte sur le fameux problème des huit dames, sa généralisation aux plus grands échiquiers et sur quelques notions d'algorithmes qu'il a inspirées. Le second volet, écrit conjointement avec Charles Senécal, portera sur ce qui arrive lorsque la géométrie de l'échiquier change radicalement.

2022-01-17 The Kleine seminar will start back in February to finish EGNO's Tensor categories visit its website.

2021-11-01 I will animate a special evening of chess-themed problem solving on Thursday 18 for PRIME (in Dutch)

2021-10-27 Our article has been accepted in Journal of Algebra. You can find it by its DOI:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2021.09.025 or go seek the arXiv version arXiv:2106.01855. The published version has been made more concise, more details for the proofs are available in the second arXiv version or in the tex file.

2021-10-15 The Kleine seminar started back for its Fall 2021 session on Tensor categories, visit its website.

2021-06-15 The Kleine seminar finished its Winter/Spring 2021 session and will start back in September 2021 on a subject to determine.

2021-05-03 Ik ben officieel voor mijn B2-certificaat Nederlands geslaagd! I got my B2 certificat in Dutch!

2021-03-01 Je présente au SAMARI le vendredi 05 mars en ligne à l'UdeM sur la recherche graduée en algèbre et les applications aux études à l'étranger.

2021-01-19 The Kleine seminar starts again for Winter 2021, we will cover Humphreys's book on the BGG category $\mathcal{O}$ for semisimple Lie algebras. More information in the website.

2020-10-07 We put our work Finite-dimensional representations of the symmetry algebra of the dihedral Dunkl-Dirac operator on arXiv (link 2010.03381)! It goes over, as the title quite explicitly states, the representation of the symmetry algebra of a Dunkl deformation of the Dirac operator for the dihedral groups case. The symmetry algebra of the article is a subalgebra of the tensor product of a Clifford algebra and a rational Cherednik algebra generated by elements supercommuting with the realisation of the Dunkl-Dirac operator in this setting. It is dihedral because the reflection group is the product of a dihedral group and $\mathrm{Z}_2$ acting on a three-dimensional space.

2020-10-02 The Kleine seminar starts again for Fall 2020! We will continue on categorification. More information in the website.

2020-09-23 My talk for the Clubmath of the Université de Montréal on hyperbolic geometry motivated me enough to put on a popularization page

2020-06-22 I am taking part in the twin online conference of Bonn and Waterloo on Geometric representation theory. The talks look promising and they will put a recording of them online afterwards on their website.

2020-02-05 Our article The representation theory of seam algebras by Yvan and me has now been published! You can find it here: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.8.2.019

2020-01-06 The Kleine seminar of Winter 2020 will be on categorification. More information in the website.

2019-09-10. We recently put our paper The representation theory of seam algebras on arXiv (link: 19.09.03499)! If you are interested in the representation theory of diagrammatic algebras, want an example of the use of cellular algebras or simply enjoy looking at diagrams, then it is the paper for you! The work synthesizes my master's thesis on seam algebras. We study the representation theory of a deformation of the classical Temperley-Lieb algebras that stems from left- and right-multiplication by Wenzl-Jones projectors. (Update 2019-11-11: I wrote a small note aimed at non-specialists for more information.)